The Book Club meets on the first Wednesday of each month on Zoom.  The Zoom link is sent out to all members on the morning of the meeting which starts at 10am and typically ends around 11 am.  At each meeting a member (the presenter) presents a book previously selected for discussion by the members. After a 5 minute presentation by the presenter, each attendee in turn comments for two or three minutes on the book and gives it a rating out of 10. The presenter then leads a general discussion about the book, often followed by recommendations for books to be added to our recommended list. All Probus members are welcome to join us any time.  It is not necessary to attend our discussions every month, nor to complete reading every book before coming.  Please contact the Convenor David Williams by email to ask any questions, or to be added to our roster so that you will receive a reminder/invitation to every meeting.
How to submit a report
One email with pictures and reports will make it to both the newsletter and the website.
Please submit them as soon as possible.
Photos and videos from more than one member are OK.
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Recommended By


 The Air Raid Book Club

 Annie Lyons

Doug Johnston


 The Lemon Tree

 Sandy Tolan

Lloyd Posner


 The Manticore

 Robertson Davies

Tom Axworthy


 The Iliad

 Homer, translation Emily Wilson

Paul Moore


 The Road Years

 Rick Mercer

David Williams


 The Company

 Stephen Bown

Don Gibson


 Chip War

 Chris Miller

Roy Hicks


The Manticore by Robertson Davies
August 7, 2024

We addressed the first volume of the Deptford Trilogy (Fifth business) on 1 Nov 2023.  Most members were reading this second volume for at least the second time:  some found it more interesting, while others were reminded of reasons they didn’t enjoy it the first time around.  

The story encapsulates life in a wealthy household of the 1940s or 1950s.  Incidents in the Manticore parallel Davies’ experience of psychoanalysis:  David Staunton’s analyst also followed the Jungian school, with emphasis on dreams and their interpretation.  Analysis was important to Robertson Davies:  therefore, he felt the need to include much detail in his book. 

There was much obscure religious imagery in the book.  Several members were put off by the heavy emphasis on the Jungian school of thought.  In some religious groups, psychoanalysis was regarded as evil:  one should pray their way out of their difficulties. 

There was agreement on the book’s good style of writing, though some members found it dense and heavy.  The narrative was nevertheless compelling. The analyst (Dr. Von Haller) was quite open about the stages of analysis, and it was possible to recognize through her narrative the Comedy Company of the Psyche.  Particularly interesting was the ‘anima’ which is like the light at the end of the dock in the Great Gatsby.  

Rating:  7.6

Books mentioned during the meeting:

Bloomsbury Girls, by Natalie Jenner
The Jane Austen Society, by Natalie Jenner
84, Charing Cross Road, by Helene Hanff  

David Williams

The Lemon Tree by Sandy Tolan
July 3, 2024

This book was published in 2006.  Relations between Jews and Arabs regarding the land designated in 1946 as Palestine, began badly and have deteriorated steadily ever since.  Religious differences such as those in Ireland may be potentially resolved over time.  Where two groups are contending for the same land, reconciliation becomes nearly impossible.  Extremism and brutality increase on both sides, particularly as one is slowly establishing claim over ever-larger portions of the land.  Looking at maps from 1946 up to the six day war, where is the Arab state in Palestine?  Many of the Arabs who were ordered from their homes are living in tents:  small wonder that the right of return burns brightly in their minds.

The constant fracturing of leadership on both sides means there is no coherent movement toward a settlement of the land dispute.  The difficulties in the whole territory are exacerbated by the intervention of foreign governments.  Much of the military infrastructure for the Israelis has been provided by the USA.  The summary of the 6 day war was blunt and clear.  History on both sides of this dispute has shown that there is a fine line between a former terrorist and a present statesman.  The waging of war as a means of political survival greatly impedes peace efforts.

The non-Semite (i.e. non-Jew, non-Arab) world has more or less stood aside and not given consideration to the impact of the land dispute on individuals:  the author of this book has personalized the problem in his accounts of interactions between Bashir and Dalia and their families.  These conversations show clearly the deep divides between the two groups, but at least show that conversation is possible.

The group felt that the book is well-written and thoroughly-researched, presenting clearly the impasse between the two groups.

Rating of the book:  8.7

Book titles mentioned during meeting:

Shardlake series (7 novels) by C. J. Sansom
Health for All by Jane Philpott
Valley of the Birdtail by Andrew Stobo Sniderman

David Williams

The Air Raid Club by Anne Lyons
June 5, 2024

This book was greeted with enthusiasm by members as an excellent, light summer read.  The topic was timely, with the 80th anniversary of the D Day landings on June 6th.

There was good detail about the experience of the general public under bombing, and the cooperative spirit which helped the communities survive.  The book store and book clubs provided connections which helped people manage through difficulties.  It was interesting that the book was written in 2021, during the COVID pandemic.

The book club (of the title) comprised many interesting characters, and they all showed various degrees of development throughout the book.  The author generously provided epigraphs for each chapter, which broadened both our understanding of the story and its literary background.

The gay relationship of Gertie’s friend Charlie and her brother was sensitively shown.  The musical references to the Lambeth Walk and Vera Lynn”s “we’ll meet again” resonated with the group.

Humorous ideas emerged such as the offer to purchase banned books from Germany so they wouldn’t be burned, and the idea of covering the roof of a bookshop with copies of Mein Kampf.  Members commented on some bookstores and libraries featuring shelves of banned books.

Rating for the book:  8

Books and other materials mentioned:

The Jane Austen Society by Natalie Jenner
TV series Annika (Prime) framed on literary references
The Music of the Spheres author unknown at present
The Blackout Book Club by Amy Lynn Green
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows
Obasan by Joy Kogawa
The Island of Extraordinary Captives: A Painter, a Poet, an Heiress Spy in a World War II British Internment Camp, by Simon Parkin

All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
May 1, 2024

Club members were agreed that this is a very well-written book, with fine prose used in excellent descriptions of time and place.  The writing was Pulitzer-worthy.  Characters in the story were interesting and well-crafted. The use of short chapters met with varied responses, and there was some concern about the non-linearity of the book.  The book could have been shorter without losing its main themes. 

The young radio operator enjoyed the math of radio location, but not the aftermath.  His patient listening to static while scanning radio frequencies reminds the reader of the search for something worthy of listening.  The story line shows that some people in wartime have to make choices that go against their fundamental beliefs in order to survive, or to advance themselves.  The ability of Marie-Laure to use models to navigate Paris and St. Malo, as well as her ability to move around her uncle’s house was similarly impressive. The war and its terrible waste are ever-present in the story.

Rating of the book:  8.5

Books mentioned during the meeting:

D-Day: The Battle for Normandy by Antony Beevor
Masters of the Air by Donald L. Miller 

David Williams
The Code Breaker by Walter Isaacson
April 3, 2024

Eleven members of the Book Club met by Zoom today to discuss “The Code Breaker” by Walter Isaacson.

This book read like a detective novel by a journalist, yet provided fascinating information on RNA and DNA engineering and the race to find effective vaccines to fight the Covid 19 viruses.

The story depicted the competitive race among biotech scientists and their various labs: interesting characters who competed with the zeal and personality quirks of middle school kids with their cabals and gossiping antics.

The book raised several ethical questions about sharing discoveries among other researchers; patent protection and the profit motive; the use of research grants by universities and others; the importance of publication in scientific peer review journals; and implications for the future regarding genetic engineering to develop “better” people, and biological weapons development.

Although Jennifer Doudna (who won a Nobel prize) was the star protagonist in the story, over 200 characters were introduced and played various roles in the story.

The group concluded that the book was well worth reading. It was well written, fairly easy to read, but unnecessarily long. The book could profit by a good edit.

The group ranked the book at 8 out of 10.

Paul Moore

Letters From Across the Sea
March 6, 2024

The club met to obtain the members’ opinions of Letters across the Sea, by Canadian author Genevieve Graham. The book had been proposed by Doug Gilpin

This book is set mainly in Toronto, beginning in the Great Depression in the 1930’s and continuing through the war years 1939 to 1946. The difficulties of the depression provide a background for a scenario of widespread antisemitism, including notices such as “Jews not allowed”, “Jews not hired here”, and displays of Nazi Swastika flags and banners.

There is a love story, inevitably between a Christian girl and a Jewish boy, and the author probes the strength of the anti-Jew values in the girl’s family. This phase of the story reaches a peak with the Christie Pits Riot, an actual event involving thousands of Torontonians, Swastika banners and gangs of anti-Jewish thugs. The story continues in the war years when about 2000 Canadian soldiers, untrained and poorly equipped, were sent to Hong Kong as a gesture of Canada going into action against Japan. Hong Kong was thought to be a safe place with only a few Japanese troops in the area. This intelligence proved terribly wrong, and the Japanese attacked Hong Kong with many experienced, well-equipped and supported forces.

In a little-known battle, the Canadian troops fought courageously and eventually surrendered and became prisoners of war. The Jewish boy from the earlier scenario is one of the POWs, and the book sets out his experiences with the ruthless treatment of POWs by the Japanese.

The girl in the story becomes a successful newspaper reporter for the Toronto Star, reporting on Canadian events during the war years. The book also provides a vivid review of the physical and emotional (PTSD) wounds of the returning soldiers and airmen.

Book Club members ranked Letters from Across the Sea very highly, with an average rating of 8.5 out of 10, an exceptionally high rating. Some found the love story predictable, but all respected an important historical narrative that most had not known.

Act of Oblivion
February 7, 2024

This novel describes the manhunt for two Englishmen, who were amongst many who had signed the death warrant for King Charles I, and the fanatical hunter on their trail. The novel is based on the true travails of General Edward Whalley and his son-in law Colonel William Goffe as they try to elude Richard Nayler (the only fictional character in the book), the royalist charged with their capture. Life in seventeenth-century New England and the tension with the court of the new King Charles II, provides a backdrop to the story. What was particularly interesting were the descriptions of their struggles to survive in constantly changing refuges. The book also illustrated the impact and power the Puritans had on the early development of America, which still resounds to this day.

The members of the book club felt the book was a fascinating and historically accurate description of the period, with interesting characters, and an intriguing story line. Most enjoyed the book, would recommend it to others, and gave it an overall rating of 7.7 out of 10.

Doug Johnston

The Rise and Fall of Dinosaurs
January 3, 2024

This book generated considerable discussion:  three pages of notes, as well as scores ranging from 5 to 9.5 (average 7.92).  Members agreed that the book was challenging and that keeping track of the names of so many ancient creatures was difficult (not unlike a Russian novel).  The scope of time covered in the book was hard to take in.  Movement of the earth’s tectonic plates is at a rate of 1.5 cm/year, and the book covers the effect of such movement on the habitats of dinosaurs, in particular: some species were confined to the Americas as a result. 

Co-operation among paleontologists and application of the scientific method allowed researchers to deduce much, such as the weight and gait of dinosaurs, given so scant a clue as a part of one bone.  One of many clarifications in the book was the reason for the common finding of large numbers of animal remains in particular areas:  they were washed there in the upheavals following the impact of the asteroid which ended the cretaceous period. 

The author gave insights into the gravity and scale of that extinction.  The oldest forms of life are still with us (self-replicating RNA), and today’s birds retain a bony resemblance to their dinosaur forebears:  we humans are a mere blip in the chain of evolution.  A glance at recent images from the James Webb Telescope serves to remind us that we are not the lords of the universe.

Movies mentioned during the meeting:

Jesus of Montreal, by Denis Arcand (YouTube), The Bank of Dave (Netflix)

Books mentioned during the meeting:

The rise and reign of mammals, by Steve Brusatte, Horse, by Geraldine Brooks

David Williams

Red Team Blues by Cory Doctorow
December 6, 2023

The book was regarded as a fast summer read, though it did reward a second reading.  The style was somewhat choppy, showed little character development, and had a rather noirish, choppy dialogue.  In the midst of a fair amount of techno babble (which put off some readers), there was a detective story, which included a fair amount of forensic accounting.  Nevertheless, most of the veils surrounding cryptocurrency were left intact.

Rating for the book:  6.95

Mentioned during the meeting:

The Billion Dollar Whale, by Bradley Hope

David Williams
Fifth Business by Robertson Davies
November 1, 2023

With a rating of 8.4, this is certainly one of the more popular books this season.  Some members were reading it for the first time, while many were finding it a pleasure to read again.  The characters in the book were well-developed, and the plotting of the stories was well worked out.  Some (but not all) of the women in the book were represented as stereotypes.  The caste system was alive and well in Deptford.  Clearly, being religious did not equate with being a good person.  Boy Stanton’s financial success led to his belief that he enjoyed God’s favour, and that his success was predestined.  He also blithely assumed that anyone he had helped financially would love him.  His ability to edit his memory and remove unpleasant actions was remarkable, as emerged in the final scene with the magician, Magnus Eisengrim.

Davies’ digressions into the realms of religious philosophy, capitalism, and socialism generated much discussion, as did his protagonist’s interest in Saints and magic.   

Other titles mentioned:

A prayer for Owen Meany, John Irving
What’s Bred in the Bone Robertson Davies
Music by Healey Willan organist and precentor of the Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Toronto (e.g. Hodie Christus natus est)

David Williams

The Smallest Lightest Lights in the Universe: A Memoir by Sara Seager
October 4, 2023

Members enjoyed this book, particularly the astrophysical portions.  Seager provides details which permit the reader partially to grasp the enormity of the universe.  Her descriptions of instruments and their design was interesting.  The recognition of exoplanets and their number developed during the span of her career as covered in the book:  her theory of detecting gases as possible signs of life was brilliant. In some ways, it seems unfair to examine the results of single-minded research, and attribute this accomplishment to a developmental disorder such as autism.  That said, it was clear that while some of her emotional responses were blunted, her description of grief on the loss of her first husband was moving.  References to the University of Toronto, the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, the McLaughlin Planetarium, and the Dunlap Observatory underscored Seager’s Canadian origin.

Rating of the book:  7.82

Other books mentioned:

CS Lewis, The Space Trilogy
Alex Guth, The Inflationary Universe

Slow Horses by Mick Herron
September 6, 2023

The book reviewed for September was “Slow Horses”, by Mick Herron, and presented by Doug Gilpin. Slow Horses is a fictional spy novel about the British secret service organization, MI-5, located at Regents Park in London. Members who have in some way failed in their duties or fallen out of favour have been banished to a decrepit building named Slough House, and these people are derisively referred to as “slow Horses”, and are destined to perform useless tasks forever, or until they simply quit. The chief of this crew, Jackson Lamb, is fat, crude, sarcastic, funny and rather brilliant. Other slow horses vary greatly in personality and character.

The MI-5 bureaucracy is set out in some detail, including management, spies ("spooks" and "joes"), a thuggish enforcement group ("Dogs), and "cleaners" who cleaned up messy scenes outside the law. One character is clearly based on ex-PM Boris Johnston.

Slow Horses is the first of a series of eight books about MI-5 and the slow horses, mostly involving the principals, Jackson Lamb and the senior MI-5 executive Diane Taverner, and some very odd "slow Horses", and a number of inept and always self-serving bureaucrats. The proposer of this book has read all eight books in the series, enjoying the humour and the challenge of guessing what was going on and where it was all headed.

The Slow Horse books are not for everyone, however. Book club reviews varied from a number of "Didn't like it at all" to "Really enjoyed the book". Criticisms particularly found the structure confusing, jumping from one set of characters or situation to another without announcing the change. There were four very low ratings (5 to 5.5) and the average was 6.2.